Wednesday, August 10, 2011

A Whirlwind of Information

On July 19, 2011 I was offered a wonderful opportunity. I was given a position to teach 8th grade mat at Texas Middle School.

Since that day I have been on information overload. Workshops for math, instructional services, Aware, TEAMS/Gradebook, Instructional Technology, IEP's and ARDS, Orientation, Benefits, and many more. Not to mention those workshops that all the teachers go to during our campus instructional planning the next week.

Any down time I have between all those workshops is spent getting my classroom together. Bulletin boards, student desks, teacher desks, rules, procedures, making sure each student will be able to see the is so overwhelming.

I made a comment to my grandmother yesterday that I never want to be a first year teacher in another district for the rest of my life...there is just too much to learn. Hopefully all those notes and handouts will be repeatedly reread and looked over (because I won't remember everything).

I have a great team and a great mentor teacher.

Bring on those kids!!!!!

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