So, this weekend started off normal. I woke up (at about ten) and did laundry. Made a Walmart run with a friend (he needed laundry detergent) and watched a movie. Just an ordinary Saturday morning.
That was until the weather started to go crazy. I got a knock on my door (notice I said knock, but it was more like a pounding that scared the crap out of me) and the person on the other side said that they were evacutating the dorms to the ground floor of the UC and that we needed to go fast.
About twenty minutes later, we were back in the dorms and I desided to take a shower (I knew that the weather wasn't far from over and I knew that Jack and Karen's wedding was at six and if something else happened I needed to be ready). Well half way through shaving my legs, an RA said they were evacuating again, so I got out, dried off, threw on my sweats and ran (drove) back to the UC. This time the wait was much longer, about an hour and a half. It was five o'clock and with the wedding an hour away I decided to take things into my own hands.
I walked up to the Campus officer and asked if we could please go to our dorms and grab our clothes (I was laying on the charm thick, a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do). He said he would give us five minutes to grab everything out of our dorms that we needed, but we had to change somewhere else. So the five of us (Me, lindsey, Stephanie, Harmony, and Emily) piled in my car and ran to our dorms, grabbed our stuff and headed for the church (this was at 5:15 and it was about 5:20 when we reached the church). Just let me say that at 5:45 we looked hot. And it is not easy for five girls to get ready that fast, btut we did it with style.
The wedding was beautiful. Karen's dress was breath taking. The ceremony was great. It had its moments. The cell phone that started to go off in the middle of the vows (don't people learn?) Two candles fell from the holders (but they didn't start a fire, which was good). Karen did some quick thinking when her and Jack couldn't get the unity candle to light and she had one of the groomsmen to grab one of those that had fallen and exchanged it with the one they couldn't get to light. And I guaruntee you that there was not one dry eye in the house when Rob pronounced them husband and wife.
All in all today was eventful and it is a day that I will never forget. And guess who caught the bouque? Looks like I'm the next one to get married.
So, God really taught us a lot last weekend and I want to share with ya'll (my faithful readers) what he taught us.
When we heard about this missions conference, we thought that we knew exactaly what we were going to get. Little did we know what we were getting into. As soon as we walked in the doors, there was this air about it that just didn't feel right. But we went ahead and gave it the benefit of the doubt. After the first session Friday night, the second Saturday morning and then the breakout that afternon, we had enough. We just knew that the conference wasn't where we needed to be.
Break 1: Let me take a break here in my story to explain to you something. This killed me. I was one of the ones pushing to go to the conference and when it turned out to be what it was, I thought that I had let everyone down. I thought that I had brought the group to Waco for nothing.
Then it happened. Rob asked me to see if I could find a church that had a Saturday night service. So like any good college student, I googled it. Highland Baptist church came up in the search (the only church in Waco with a Saturday night service). Their service started at six, so we loaded up and went. As soon as we walked in the doors, we knew that HBC was exactally where we needed to be. They welcomed us like we had been there for years. Doug (the assistant college minister) brought the message. The title of his sermon, Call and Response. God calls (he initiates it) and we respond. He said that God sometimes calls us places sometimes to get us where he really wants us to be.
Break 2: Wow, this is exactally what I needed to hear. Our trip to Waco started out at the conference (how God got us there) and ended at Highlad Baptist Church (where God really wanted to takes us).
So at the end of the service the pastor got up and said that he didn't know who we were, but he wondered if he could pray for us. So we went up to the front and Rob told them our story. It turns out that their church had been debating wheather or not to keep the Saturday night service going. So not only did they bless us, but God used us to answer some of their questions.
All of this happened because God called, and we were willing to respond.